Steps for improving the software you develop

1) Recognize these truths:
There is always room for improvement.
Things won't get better by themselves.
Therefore - initiative must be taken to make improvements.

2) Every attempt at improvement is a PROJECT.
Improvments can be made in one of three areas:
Process Improvement.
Product Improvement.
People Improvement.

Identify Projects that you are currently working on.
Identify Projects that you plan to work on.
Identify things that could be improved
Identify processes that could be improved - potential process improvement projects.
Identify knowledge that your staff needs to get your business to its goals (Java, Marketing, etc.).
Identify skills that your staff needs to get your business to its goals (Java, Marketing, etc.).
Identify attitudes that your staff needs to get your business to its goals (Java, Marketing, etc.).
Prioritize them - how to - urgency, time to implement, core vs ancillary, etc.

Identify repeatable processes and develop templates.

How to assess resources: time, skills, knowledge, tools

People leaving signals __________
People that cost more than benefit signals ________
Poor sales ________
Lots of support costs ________